Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Public speaking

Still not comfortable doing it.

And when asked to, I usually have to prep myself mentally (and *cough* spiritually) over the course of at least a week. 

I will make notes, practice in front of the mirror, time my delivery at the computer and visualise the whole presentation while on my bed and on the way to lalaland. I will remain nervous and anxious up til the point where I open my mouth to begin speaking.....and sometimes even throughout the show.

Last year I made a grand total of four public presentations at various forums around Suva. They were all on a specific area which I am confident to talk about off the cuff - but I would still put myself through the rigorous preparatory rituals mentioned above. #OCD

And now I've been asked to do another. 

Only this time, it's on an area outside my current field of work. 

And in another country.

