Sunday, June 10, 2012


On my recent Melbourne sojourn, I was a bit disappointed to discover  that majority of the mates I'd made through my Uni anime club didn' anime anymore :o A few of them just read manga while the majority have switched to watching Western non-animated stuff. Even the hobby collectors in the group have since sold most of their statues, gashapon, figmas and other figurines to fund new and different hobbies such as digital photography, cooking and music gear. I felt like I was the only one who hadn't grown up yet after no one answered my "So what animes are people watching nowadays?" question  >_>. Everyone still games though and most of them were into Diablo III and League of Legends. They tried to get me to join but I joked saying our net connection in Fiji was too shit to play - which isn't entirely an untruth. I'm just not in the mood to get horribly addicted to another game - have some work stuff coming up that requires at least 6 hrs of sleep a day.

I also found it interesting how most of the gang had branched off into smaller circles. The gamers are still a closely knit crew but the other, more outgoing guys have all these little sub groups. Not that people don't get along anymore, it's just that....interests are just widely different. But it was sooooooo good to see everyone again :) I honestly wanted to extend my stay for another month, just to hang and catch up some more with them.

In other news, work has been "so far so good". I have an upcoming acting appointment (short term) where I fill in for my boss for 11 days which I'm excited about. Not exciting though is having to present to the Board on my and other teams work papers. It should be a good experience though and the three positives are higher responsibility experience, acting allowance and being able to add it to my CV.

Instead of the usual Cosplay pic, I leave you with this awesome vid of a woman cosplaying Needle Woman from Fatal Frame III. The photoshoot with Pyramid Head looked amazeballs!